Page Carter studied at the University of Virginia, University of Oregon, Cambridge University, and earned a master's degree in architecture at Harvard University under Rafael Moneo. She apprenticed with SOM/Houston, RTKL in Baltimore, and has traveled extensively overseas. In 1991, she brought her understanding of details and systems to Berryville, Virginia, where she established the region's first modern architecture practice.


1987  Harvard University Graduate School of Design, M. Arch.

1985-1986  Cambridge University, Exchange Student

1975-1979  University of Virginia, B.A. with Distinction

Architectural Practice

1999 – Present (Retired 2017)  Carter + Burton Architecture, P.L.C., Berryville, VA

1992-1999  PSC Architecture and Design, Berryville, VA

1988-1990  RTKL Associates, Baltimore, MD

1985 (summer)  Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, Houston, TX

 1984 (summer)  Dewing & Schmid Architects, Cambridge, MA

1982-1983  Cleveland/Sheeran Architects, Charlottesville, VA

1979-1981, 1983  Dyer/Brown & Associates, Architects, Boston, MA

Teaching Experience

1986  Guest Critic, University of Houston, Texas A & M University

Professional Affiliations

  • Licensed Architect - Commonwealth of Virginia

  • American Institute of Architects, Northern Virginia Chapter

  • AIA Virginia

Community Service

  • Clarke County Historic Preservation Commission Leadership Award

  • Historic Preservation Commission - County of Clarke

  • Powhatan School - Board of Trustees

  • Downtown Berryville, Inc. - Design Committee Chair (Past)

  • Berryville Area Development Authority (Past)

  • Architectural Review Board, Town of Berryville (Past)